


Having launched in 2017, TapTuck is revolutionizing the way tuck-shops and schools operates and providing moms time to get on with the endless list of what they have to do.


We all know that healthy food is important, and here are some reasons highlighted by registered dietician, Kelly Francis, who consults with CEO, James White of TapTuck on why foods served at schools should be healthy.


Supporting good health is super important for kids each day, and for most of us we encourage and cook up meals with the five basic foods groups, so it goes without saying that kids at school are probably eating more than half of their daily calorie intake at school.


“The tuck-shop however, is an area where parents have little or no control. A school tuck-shop is a wonderful concept, which if stocked with healthy meals can be a great help to busy parents, remain a novelty for children, contribute to nutrition education and most importantly the long-time health of its little patrons”, says White.


The body is the most fascinating machine of extremely complex design, but more important, is its ability to convert food into energy for form and function. It is no mistake that all foods comprise of different nutrients and therefore offer a variety of benefits. Achieving optimum nutrition requires including all available (and essential) nutrients and thereby, including all types of foods.


The word ‘moderation’ is well used but perhaps not well understood. The phrase “everything in moderation” is the key to achieving a healthy diet and the fine balance between enjoying food and over-indulging.


Healthy weight maintenance requires an energy input of less than or equal to our energy output. While this may seem obvious to some, it also means that eating too much of a healthy food can be detrimental, as all foods have an energy value. “Value” is the word we should focus on, and it should be the word that determines food choices. As a rule of thumb, 90% of the energy you consume (and provide to your children) should have nutritional value as well as an energy value (Kilojoules).


Balancing equal to our energy output, the diet is the art of consuming the correct ratio of these nutrients. It is a popular notion that ‘carbs’ should be restricted. It is important not to view Carbohydrates as a food group but rather as a nutrient found in some foods. Starchy staple foods are not the only carbohydrate containing foods. Fruit and dairy products such as milk and yoghurt also contribute carbohydrates towards the total daily energy intake. And of course, all foods and beverages made with flour and/or sugar will also be carbohydrate contributors.


Being and eating healthy is an important life lesson, where in some of the lessons in classes are about healthy foods and nutrition and learning about healthy eating is a life lesson that helps students, and therefore, will have a ripple effect.


Young bodies who consume loads of processed foods can go on to provide poor health into adulthood and old age, especially with the amount of type 2 diabetics out there, as well as obesity. This leads to government spend on treating those who are suffering with illnesses based on their diet.


Our schools can definitely assist with helping students developing good habits early in life. Many Model C and Private Schools have adopted the attitude of making this a reality.


“Healthy eating definitely makes a difference and by the schools ensuring that children eat healthy its then established and becomes a life skill. We know its not only about avoiding diabetes, cancers or heart disease, and making sure children are healthy now, it also enables them to focus and maximize potential ensuring a healthy immune system and keeping them at school rather than at home with various ailments”, adds White.


Healthy foods, better health, school marks and positive attitudes and behaviour. By buying healthy foods at the school tuck-shop provides your child with increase in co-ordination, performance, bodily functions, co-ordination, strength. Definitely reduces impairment cognitively and increases brain function and diet related illness - all in all, better mental health!


TapTuck is the perfect vehicle to provide cashless ordering system for your entire child’s school needs, from meals to uniforms, special events and so much more.


Established to empower parents and schools to deliver healthy happy meals for students and allowing parents to connect with the school directly, freeing up time otherwise spend managing finances and other duties and ultimately simplifying the user experience for both schools and parents.


The TapTuck app is currently revolutionizing school shopping without the hassle of cash, and helps you manage your school canteen orders, uniforms, fundraising events & more

Developed in collaboration with teachers and parents. It’s incredibly easy to use! - Need to make your life easier, and not be rushing to get cash back at the retail supermarket or ATM.


Order and pay for healthy meals at the tuck-shop. Order and pay for uniforms, stationery, electronics and more. Receive school event notification and make school payments. Pay at multiple merchants, for multiple kids at multiple schools. We understand that it can get tricky when ensuring that there is a healthy lunch waiting for your child at break or remembering to pay for that important school item or event. That’s where TapTuck comes in!


The innovative system assists schools and school merchants with their planning and preparation. It completely removes the need for students, teachers, and parents to carry cash at school.


The TapTuck app is safe, secure & contactless for any campus payments & ordering, just download the TapTuck App onto your phone, then top-up your wallet order, add your childs profile and pay at a School Merchant (register your child or children, upload a picture of your child to be used when redeeming), then scan the QR code and link to your childs profile. The next step is to then deposit money using a credit card or do an EFT – just follow the prompts to place order and then redeem the meal.


For more info, go to www.taptuck.co.za or email them at info@taptuck.co.za or call 073 415 1207 during office hours!
